The Real Dirt on Farmer John
The Real Dirt on Farmer John

Gen: Documentar
Rating: N/A
Lansare internationala: 22.06.2007
Lansare in Romania: 22.06.2007
Studio: Independent
Echipa: Taggart Siegel (dir.), Farmer John Peterson

Follows Farmer John's astonishing journey from farm boy to counter-culture rebel to the son who almost lost the family farm to a beacon of today's booming organic farming movement and founder of one of the nation's largest Community Supported Agriculture farms. The result is a tale that ebbs and flows with the fortunes of the soil and revealingly mirrors the changing American times. At once funny and stirring, what drives the film's powerful appeal is the way in which it digs up "real dirt" not only about the tragedy of losing our traditional American family farms but about what really makes for an original American life - one lived, on a man's own terms, in balance with the land, through hardships and unexpected triumphs, with creativity and verve.

Alte filme:
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Begining The Holiday Shutter Green Street Hooligans
 - curierat intern si international - European Courier, Pitesti

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